Samsung, as you may recall, has so far only released a single Android Wear smartwatch: 2014's Gear Live. Sure, the original Galaxy Gear ran Android before being updated to Tizen, but that pre-dated Android Wear. Since the Gear Live, though, Samsung's wearable efforts have been Tizen-only.
With us seeing so little visible Samsung interest in Android Wear, the idea that the company might be done with it for good wasn't hard at all to believe.
Is that really a rejection of this no-more-Android-Wear story?
Well, the way we heard it Samsung never made a formal announcement at all; the source was what sounded like a private comment made by a couple company executives.
And as for not changing its level of commitment to Android Wear – well, was Samsungreally that committed to begin with? As we've pointed out, its track record has been leaning strongly in the direction of Tizen, so an abandonment of Android Wear doesn't really feel like any sort of change at all.
All this has us curious what Samsung's really up to with its wearables. Why would the company comment at all if its future smartwatches really will be a pure-Tizen lineup? Could there be a Gear Live 2 somewhere in development? For now, we're just not sure what to think.
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